13 November 2009

a note on green sauce

i'm not usually that excited about german food. i don't like meat, and the germans love it. i think vegetables are better before you pickle them. i think wurstsalat is totally bizarre. and leberkäse too. so i had every intention of eating turkish food and sushi in frankfurt. i'm down with that, i'm used to it, and i love turkish food. and then i saw the Ebbelwei Expreß roll through town:

i didn't want to ride the "Apple Wine Express," but i did want to try some of this Ebbelwei stuff that seems so important to the frankfurt tourist experience. the internet told me to try Ebbelwei with the famous Frankfurter Grüne Söße, green sauce made with boiled eggs and vinegar and lots of herbs. so kelly and i headed to the Sachsenhausen neighborhood in search of "typisch frankfurt" and ended up in a lovely little restaurant with this delicious meal:

i'm not a convert to german cuisine, but that sauce was delicious.
and the leftovers were great at 4am when we finally stopped dancing.

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