26 November 2009

i am thankful for some things

of course there's no thanksgiving in germany. so today, while my family eats pie in minneapolis, i am having pickeld red cabbage for lunch and then heading to the immigration office to get my visa sorted out. i'm feeling sort of anti-thanksgiving, and that is unacceptable because i've often called it my favorite holiday. so i decided i better make a list:

i am thankful for
the market in freiburg
mail from far-away friends
peter fox
delicious coffee
my bikeable city
the running path around seepark
getting to travel
my attic room
the current streaming
kid art
rhubarb yogurt
my camera
a sweet summer job waiting in the US
mi familia

and on saturday, kelly is coming from frankfurt and we're cooking. i am scouring freiburg for some sweet potatoes and cranberries. thanksgiving will be redeemed!

1 comment:

kelly said...

Saturday Thanksgiving is going to be AWESOME.