kelly and i went to the north sea last weekend and stayed on a sad deserted island called
sylt. it was fantastically cold, but we managed to:
have the most decadent of train picnics
walk for hours on frozen sand
eat delicious fish sandwiches
figure out the german word for oysters, then order some
climb a giant dune for a nice view
find some dank cheesecake in a doily-filled guesthouse
take a ferry to denmark and withdraw 100 kroner
buy wine over international waters
bust out the Holga, before the sun disappeared
find piles of pretty blue shells
* * *
and now back in freiburg, the resurgence of winter. i am once again biking through blizzards with my 6 year olds, and i'm not psyched about it. i'm crawling underneath my duvet until i see sunshine.