31 August 2009

oh canada

waterton lakes is the canadian side of glacier national park, on the border of Alberta, where the mountains meet the prairie. i drove up there this week with tim and the slovaks (for an "international peace park" they sure gave us a hard time at the border). we had drinks at the Prince of Wales hotel, and tim ate poutine - french fries mixed with cheese curds and covered in gravy. bought some beers and chilled by the shores of waterton lake, then drove back to AMERICA just in time for the 80s Prom Party (swiftcurrent is at the height of stir-crazy, and these things happen).

30 August 2009

sleep on a glacier

TIM comes to Glacier Park at long last!
hiked to the Grinnell Glacier
ate some sandwiches
took some pictures
busted some moves
took a miraculous nap
(two hours on a rock slab at glacier's edge)
woke reluctantly
hiked down drowsy
skinny dipped in Josephine Lake
(a beautiful day in good company)

28 August 2009


on tuesday i hiked Dawson and Pitamakan passes and finished my hiking wish list! after a decent amount of uphill, the trail takes you across the most spectacular ridge-walk. so many passes on this hike, so many valley views. dawson/pitamakan is a long trek, but i was fueled by my friend Anthony's delicious hummus sandwiches, this time with snap peas (it's nice to have friends that work in the restaurant!)

27 August 2009

beautiful Babb

lately work is awful, life is beautiful. i've tried hard these last two weeks to have adventures away from Swiftcurrent. spent lots of time by the shores of St. Mary Lake. drank wine at Sun Point and skinny dipped in front of a boat tour full of tourists. went whitewater rafting on the Flathead River and camping in Apgar (it was on the way home from that journey that we caught this intense Babb sunset).

the days are fast fleeting. i don't know how long i can do this seasonal thing...because it breaks my heart.

16 August 2009


Polebridge, MT, in the North Fork Valley just next to the park, is the hippie oasis of my dreams. i spent the past weekend there for Aurorafest, off the grid, dancing in the rain. i absolutely recommend Polebridge to anyone (or, anyone willing to drive on the gnarliest road i have ever encountered). the location is beautiful, the people are friendly, and the Mercantile has the most delicious baked goods in North America.

14 August 2009

the happy housekeepers

13 August 2009

crypt lake

on monday i went to canada to hike Crypt Lake, number three on my list of Four Hikes that Katherine Must Do Before Leaving Glacier, the 2009 Edition. the trail to Crypt Lake is epic. it starts across the lake from Waterton Township , so you need to take a boat to the trailhead. you pass by some lovely waterfalls, a fantastic valley view, and then climb through a cave/tunnel before you reach the lake. the lake itself is beautiful, sunk into a hanging valley, the perfect place for some hummus and a nap.

Dawson-Pitamakin Pass is last on my hiking wish list, and then i can go home happy.

12 August 2009

girls' weekend in two medicine

i had a beautiful weekend camping in Two Medicine with some girlfriends from Swiftcurrent. we had veg food and delicious lattes in East Glacier, then a lovely campfire and lots of wine at our campsite. slept all morning (i love to wake up in the woods), hiked the cobalt lake trail, picnicked and skinny dipped at a spectacular swimming hole somewhere off the beaten path, took a nap in the forest.

i feel better now having used my tent somewhere besides Babbfest.

02 August 2009


i wonder what the tourists think when they drive through Babb, MT during Babbfest, unsuspecting, looking a place to eat lunch or for the road to Many Glacier. there are maybe 500 people living in Babb in the summer, but during music festival weekend the one road through town is lined with tents and trailers and various oddities. you can distinguish a "fester" from a tourist based on any of the following characteristics: homemade quilted pants, blonde dreadlocks, jaunty hippie dance, PBR in one or both hands, hand-rolled cigarettes, larger-than-normal pupils.

Babbfest '09 was extremely hot, and i spent the greater part of the weekend wading in the lake or playing banjo in the shade of my tent. clear sunny skies, however, were perfect for playing with my NEW CAMERA, and the evenings eventually cooled off enough for hours of ridiculous dancing.