27 April 2009

go west, young woman

it is my project tonite to make roadtrip mixtapes because friday i head west for my second montana summer. my friend Emma is coming along for the drive, and because she has never seen montana or the rocky mountains (and i always want my favorite people to see my favorite places), we have decided to stretch the not-too-long drive to glacier national park into a beautiful adventure. here begins Emma's education of The West:
  1. goodbye Minneapolis
  2. i hear rumors of the world's largest buffalo in Jamestown, North Dakota and i feel that any "world's largest" roadside spectacle is worth the stretch break
  3. here we camp at teddy roosevelt national park in the north dakota badlands and celebrate MAY DAY.
  4. here we couchsurf a few days - if the folk of Missoula, MT will toss us a futon.
  5. East Glacier Park, Montana, where Emma catches the Empire Builder train back to MPLS and where i check in with HR for my summer job in Glacier National Park!
  6. Swiftcurrent, Glacier National Park. this is the eventual destination, where i will live until september. hopefully emma and i can get into the park and onto a mountain, but i fear snow may keep us out.
(you can see the virtual version of our route here. be excited.)